Performance Reviews

It’s June. The year is about half over. Have you had a performance review yet? I hope at least that your supervisor and you have had a discussion about your performance. If you get feedback now, you have time to make use of it. If you find out in December that your boss thinks you are a disappointing employee, you don’t have time to improve your performance or your boss’ impression.

You shouldn’t be surprised at an annual review. It’s no wonder most people approach a meeting for their performance review nervous and dreading the thought of it. That happens only when you have no idea what your boss is going to say. It is fundamental that employees know how they are doing, and specifically how their performance measures up to the standards of the job for which they were hired.

I suggest to employers that they meet with employees regularly to avoid annual surprises where they tell you your work is not up to par. Managers should meet with employees quarterly or at least biannually to discuss performance. This gives them the opportunity to express any disappointments and gives the employee the chance to improve before the end of the year. It benefits both because the employee can become more effective, which in turn helps the company. 

This more developmental approach to performance review,which is really performance management, is a win-win situation that helps employees develop and improve and makes the company more profitable. When done regularly, the actual performance appraisal should be a confirmation to the employee on how she or he did during the past time period. Especially if you have a poor performer, you should use these sessions to review prior goal-setting and objectives met.

Here are some important do’s and don’ts for performance management:

1) Allow the employee to comment on his or her review and take it seriously.

For some employees, this is their only opportunity to voice opinions, give and get feedback, and provide insight.  So listen, as well as review. Goals and objectives set should be clearly understood and agreed upon by the employee.

2) Do make sure that you are trained on the “how-tos” of evaluation.

The evaluation should be objective and job-related, focusing in on such items as quality of work, timeliness, and quantity.  Be wary of common appraisal errors.

3) Don’t spring any surprises.

4) Don’t focus the appraisal process on pay increases alone.

Yes, pay is important, but it is not the only thing that has an impact on employee performance. For example, morale and self-esteem have a major influence on how an employee performs his or her job.

5) Finally, do remember that the performance appraisals should not be treated as a substitute for regular, on-going communication between the supervisor and employee.


By: Rose Opengart, Interviews That Work

© 2018, Rose Opengart, Interviews That Work

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