Need help with the College Process?



We help families navigate the complicated college process, find the right fit, and get the best tuition. What is fit?

  1. Academic fit
  2. Social fit
  3. Financial fit

We guide students to achieve their educational dreams and help parents reduce their stress.  We can help you, too! 

College Coaching Packages

The Undergraduate College Search Package is intended primarily for high school and transferring college students. This package includes: 

  • Researching and developing a list of right fit schools that will meet academic, social, emotional, and financial needs of student.
  • Assistance with college applications for up to 8 colleges; $300 each for additional
  • Offer support and structure for family throughout the process Evaluation of students’ record, including high school transcript, PSAT/SAT/ACT scores, extracurricular activities, summer programs
  • Assistance preparing high school resume
  • Assistance in selecting high school coursework
  • Assessment of college majors
  • Explanation of college admissions process and guidance such as testing options and application deadlines
  • Referral of resources for test preparation
  • Establish a standardized testing schedule for SAT and/or ACT
  • Help in identifying colleges to visit and preparation for making those visits meaningful
  • Prepare students for on-campus and off-campus interviews
  • Assistance in essay: brainstorm ideas, topic development and review of essay drafts
  • Discussion of early application versus regular application
  • Assistance in selecting recommendation letter writers
  • Assistance in college application preparation: timeline, organizational assistance
  • Assistance filling out college applications
  • Build students’ academic life-skills, reduce stress associated with college application, boost motivation and improve relationships with others
  • Assistance in final decision as to which college to attend
  • Assistance with wait-list process
  • Assistance with GAP Year options
  • Assistance with financial aid process
  • Respect for all confidentiality and privacy issues
  • Abide by ethical guidelines

Total cost: $3600, broken into 6 payments

The Graduate School Search and Application Package is intended primarily for current college students in their senior year or graduates desiring to apply to graduate school. This package includes: 

  • Help with specific graduate degree choices 
  • Strategize best process and preparation for acceptance
  • Assistance crafting college applications
  • Assistance in personal statement: brainstorm ideas, topic development and review/editing of essay drafts
  • Assistance in selecting recommendation letter writers
  • Intensive research to identify program and faculty compatibility and best programs to apply to for academic, social, and financial fit
  • Assistance with developing and writing graduate school resume/CV
  • Guidance on professor outreach before/during application process
  • Graduate/teaching assistantship search help and advice
  • Prepare student for interviews (mock interviews)
  • Evaluation of students’ record, including grades, test scores, work experience, compatibility with programs and faculty
  • Research and referral of resources for ACT/GRE test preparation
  • Establish a standardized testing schedule for ACT/GRE
  • Abide by ethical guidelines including respect for all confidentiality and privacy issues
  • Students and parents will be sent a summary of each meeting and next steps student must complete before the following session (with graduate students, parental notification will be on a per case basis).

Total cost: $2900, broken into 6 payments